Wednesday 11 November 2009

Less Privacy

I was going to wait until tomorrow to blog about this but a sudden burst of rage has caused me to address it right now.

The Government has recently decided that we do not have our civil liberties invaded enough already. It has decided that:

"Every phone call, text message, email and website visit made by private citizens is to be stored for a year and will be available for monitoring by government bodies."

This article in the Telegraph is full of joyful quotes, for example:

"It is doing so despite its own consultation showing that it has little public support."

Ah yes, it I suppose we should be used to the fact that our Government acts againsts our interests.

So why is this legislation needed? Oh yes, of course, the fight against terror: 
"David Davis, the former shadow home secretary, added: “...this is no doubt necessary in pursuing terrorist suspects..." "

Necessary? I do not believe that this in any way necessary. Instead of destroying the liberties of our own citizens, why don't we pull out of Afganistan and any other Country in which WE HAVE NO FUCKING BUSINESS. Maybe without provocation extremist muslims will be unable to recruit more suicide bombers, and our national security might benefit.

Now, I wonder who is behind this fantastic idea? Ah how silly of me to wonder...

"But the Home Office yesterday insisted it would push the legislation through. Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, originally released a consultation paper in April."

The troughing chipmunk who has been systematically removing our liberties since she gained her role as Home Secretary. 

Not to mention being totally unnecessary, this fantastic idea is also going to be costing the taxpayer £2 billion over 10 years. OUR money, spent spying on US. Sounds fair.

1 comment:

  1. Oh god. That's it. I have decided to move out of this forsaken country before a curfew is bought into effect and we aren't allowed out of our houses after 10pm.
