Monday 7 December 2009


So the Copenhagen climit summit started today, in a typical hypocritical manner:

Annoyingly it seems to be what should be expected from these people "saving" the environment. They really don't give a shit. The "poor" developing countries that will allegedly suffer are more than pleased to receive aid from all those polluting prosperous bastards in the West, whilst governments in the West are falling over themselves to give money to these countries. I fully don't understand this.


"But even if we accept that the climate is warming, nobody has yet convinced us it's mainly down to our activities. The official line is that the link has been proved, but the people who say that have never presented the evidence in an open and transparent form that we can examine for ourselves. They simply assert it, present a load of hyped up exaggerated garbage like Gore's lamentable film, and rant hysterically at anyone who dares to question their authority."

From where I am standing, there should still be a considerable amount of debate regarding AGW (anthropogenic global warming), yet governments seem to be acting as if there is a global consensus on the topic. Why are they trying to rush into this? As the venerable KB has put forward, what actually are the consequences of global warming?

Here is a nice post regarding the hockeystick graph and the medieval warm period.

If anyone remembers the Maldives Cabinet meeting underwater to highlight their "plight" and the potential damage global warming could do to their country, here is an interesting brief describing a letter from a scientist who has looked properly at the claimed "rising" sea levels.

Even Iain Dale is dubious.

1 comment:

  1. I saw something about that Maldives thing, hilarious. That post about the consequences of global warming was quite refreshing (never thought I'd say that). I guess the moral argument is due to the fact that lots of people don't like humans having "an impact" on the planet. Not much you can do about that really except kill yourself I think.
